Welcome Message

Dear Participants,

We are delighted to invite you to the 4th International Conference on Natural Sciences, Engineering and Materials Technologies (NEM 2024), which will be held at İğneada Resort Hotel between September 12-14, 2024.

The conference will take place under the honorary chairmanship of Kırklareli University Rector Prof. Dr. Bülent ŞENGÖRÜR. The conference will include studies and research in the fields of engineering, natural sciences and materials sciences. Many national and international scientists and invited speakers will attend the conference. NEM serves as an interdisciplinary platform where the latest developments and research findings in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, and material technologies can be discussed and presented. NEM 2024 is an international conference that meets the criteria for associate professorship, academic appointment, and promotion. The conference aims to bring together academics and researchers from various fields, primarily engineering and natural sciences, to share their knowledge, experiences, and ongoing scientific research. The conference will be conducted in English. Participants interested in applying for the conference can find detailed information regarding conference attendance and presentations at the following website: https://nem2024.klu.edu.tr/. The submitted papers by applicants will be evaluated by the conference's peer review committee.

Hope to see you at NEM 2024, which will be held at İğneada Resort Hotel between September 12-14, 2024.

Yours sincerely...